Motion Performance Horses
ABN 84 452 188 200
This agreement is between Motion Performance Horses ABN 84 452 188 200 and the breeder named in Item 1 of the Schedule (Breeder) for the provision of chilled or frozen semen (Dose) from Sicario (Stallion) (Service). This Service includes Pregnancy and Live Foal Guarantee.
1. Service Fee is payable when returning this Contract. The Service Fee is inclusive of GST. It is a requirement that the Mare has a 21, 42 and 60 day positive pregnancy test performed by the Veterinarian who inseminated the Mare and a copy of these certificates must be forwarded within 7 days. Should the Mare not have a 21, 42 and 60 day positive pregnancy test, all guarantees are null and void. Vet checks for pregnancy and correspondence are to be emailed to
2. Breeding will commence upon veterinary advice of a negative swab.
3. Motion Performance Horses will supply additional Dose upon request and confirmation from a Veterinarian, verifying the Mare has not conceived after original insemination dose. All costs and expenses associated with additional dose supply will be the responsibility of the Breeder.
4. Motion Performance Horses guarantees one healthy live foal for each Service Fee paid, and will supply additional Dose under the terms of this agreement, subject to the Breeder giving Motion Performance Horses a Veterinarian’s report:
a. That the Mare aborted/slipped the foal; or;
b. The foal was stillborn, or;
c. Should the resulting foal not live to seven (7) days, the Breeder shall be entitled to rebreed the Mare until the Mare delivers a foal that stands and nurses to a maximum period of seven (7) days. The Breeder must provide a death certificate and a report from a Veterinarian with seven (7) days of the foaling or abortion of the foal. This report will state that the Mare was properly cared for. Proper care shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, proper feeding and nutrition, regular de-worming with products approved for pregnant mares, vaccinations and proper intervention during foaling if necessary.
5. A maximum of one pregnancy is allowed for each Service purchase.
6. This Service may not be sold or transferred to a third party. Should the said Mare fail to conceive the first season, substitution of a second mare in her place is acceptable.
1. The Breeder must pay:
a. The Service Fee.
b. All other costs and expenses associated with Dose supply, i.e. collection fees and shipping.
2. In the event that the Service is used in an Embryo Transfer program and more than one embryo is recovered, additional Service Fees are payable in accordance with the number of embryos recovered at a rate of $2,200 for each additional embryo and positive pregnancy tested recipient mare.
3. Supply of Dose:
a. Notice must be provided of semen requirements must be given at least 24 hours in advance. Instructions will be sent once breeding contract has been completed and signed and service fee paid in full.
b. Please note: no stallion collections on the weekend.
c. If Sicario is away competing, the semen may not be available, please visit our website for Sicaio's show schedule for planning for the Mares cycle.
d. Risk of loss or harm to the Dose passes to the Breeder at the moment when the Dose is delivered into the custody of the transporter for the transport to the destination point.
e. The Breeder acknowledges that Motion Performance Horses shall not be responsible for any delays that may occur in relation to transport. Motion Performance Horses will not be liable for any costs associated with lost or delayed semen or the mare owners vet fees. The Breeder acknowledges that it is the responsibility of the Breeder to obtain insurance cover for the transportation.
4. This agreement incorporates the Mare’s Marking Sheet which must fully and accurately record the Mare’s microchip number, brands and markings and be returned by email with this document.
5. Collection fees approx. $300 INC GST. This must be paid at least 24 hours in advance before arranging collection and transport.
6. Chilled semen maybe picked up by Breeder from 61-65 Bay Road, Berrilee, NSW 2159. Instructions will be sent once breeding contract has been completed and signed and service fee has been paid in full.
After submission keep an eye out for our emails.
We will send you Sicario's breeding managers information to organise semen collection.
Thank you for your order! Please keep an eye out in your emails for Sicaios Breeding Managers information.